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Saturday | August 8, 2015
The Italian agri-food system and the global value chains: issues and challenges
Margherita Scoppola
This half-day pre-conference, co-organized by the Italian Associations of Agricultural Economics, includes four presentations analyzing current challenges faced by the Italian agri-food system in the interconnection with the global food value chain. The first presentation addresses the issue of how the Italian agri-food system evolves in terms of innovation and improving resources efficiency. The second presentation discusses how multi-functionality of the Italian agri-food systems interacts with the global food value chains. The third deals with the distribution of bargaining power along the Italian supply value chains and discusses the harmonization issues of two EU policies in rebalancing the bargaining power. The fourth presentation deals with the most recent characteristics and drivers of Italian food consumption. The four presentations will pay attention at discussing how the lessons learned from the Italian case can be of general interest for the international agricultural economist community.
Using R for Agricultural Economics Research
Arne Henningsen
R has become the 'lingua franca' in many areas of statistics and data analysis. In recent years, R also gained high popularity among applied econometricians and a huge number of methodologies that are relevant for applied econometrics have been implemented in R. The participants of the workshop will learn to conduct various econometric analyses with R. In the first part of the workshop (morning), participants with no or only little experience with R will learn the basics and get an overview over available methods and add-on packages. In the second part (afternoon), participants with at least a little experience in R (e.g. obtained in the first part) will learn to conduct econometric production analysis with R, e.g. Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Participants can choose to participate only in the first part, only in the second part, or in both parts of the workshop.
Innovations in Agricultural Data Collection
Calogero Carletto
The Living Standards Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) project collaborates with national statistics offices in 8 sub-Saharan African countries to design and implement systems of nationally representative multi-topic household surveys with a focus on agriculture. The LSMS-ISA project is continually testing innovations in agricultural data collection to provide high quality data, enabling analysis of the links between agriculture and poverty reduction, nutrition, and non-farm activities, inter alia. This interactive session will provide participants with training on key features of surveys supported by the LSMS-ISA as well as practical innovations in agricultural data collection. In addition to collaborative presentations, participants will engage in hands-on training on Survey Solutions, the CAPI software developed by the World Bank Development Research Group’s Computational Tools Unit in collaboration with the LSMS team, to acquire skills on questionnaire development, management of survey workflows, and monitoring of fieldwork operations using the new tool.
Policy analysis for food losses and waste
Matteo Vittuari, Hilke Bos-Brouwers and William H. Meyers
Global food losses and waste (FLW) in both developing and developed countries represent a high priority in academic debates, civil society initiatives, and political agendas.
FLW have a number of interrelated implications for food and nutrition security, economic development and environmental impact since they represent a waste of different natural resources.
What exacerbates the concern, is the fact that nearly a third of the food produced for human consumption is estimated to be lost or wasted globally (FAO, 2011a). This raises a question of why these losses and waste occur and what policy measures should be undertaken for their prevention, reduction and recovery. Contact Matteo Vittuari ([email protected]) for additional information.
Pre-Conference Workshop on Applied Computational Economics
Dmitry Vedenov
The workshop will provide an overview of the rapidly developing field of computational economics. The workshop will focus on practical applications of numerical methods to the formulation, solution, and analysis of stochastic dynamic models in economics and finance, with emphasis on nonlinear dynamic optimization models.
Achieving Food Security in the context of Climate Change: Methodological and Empirical Challenges
Salvatore Di Falco
Under the IPCC emissions scenarios agricultural conditions will face more frequent and severe droughts and floods in the near future. Climate change will impact the productivity of food crops both in irrigated and rainfed agricultural systems. The last years have been characterized by a trend of increasing market instability for agricultural market, illustrated by the commodities price volatility and the so-called food crisis in 2008 and 2012. Volatility has a greater impact on developing countries and on the poorer, because it creates major import bill uncertainty. Lower water availability will exacerbates already difficult conditions in many part of the globe, in regions that are already water-stressed. Therefore, the livelihood of both rural and urban populations, are exposed to serious climatic risks and vulnerability.
This workshop will focus on the methodological and empirical challenges faced by researchers. Different models and applications will be presented focusing attention on the developing countries.
Measuring the value of policy oriented research.
Mary Bohman
Economic and other social science research provides real value to society. Research findings and statistics provide information for public decisions to chart new directions in policy and to improve the effectiveness of existing programs. Users of this information include policy officials, their staff, public interest groups, and the general public. Social science information informs private decisions around investment and management of business activities. In this context social science research has the potential to provide a high rate of return for public research spending. Agricultural economics research provides a foundation for methods to assess the benefits of social science research. This workshop will build on the existing analytical foundation and apply it to measuring the value of policy focused research. The program will begin with an overview of research and applications of measurement issues. Leaders of public sector research organizations and experts who have conducted evaluations will provide examples of how public sector and academic organizations currently measure their impact. The audience for the workshop is research leaders including academic department heads, leaders of public sector domestic and international research organizations, and researchers interested in science policy. Speakers will include Karen Brooks (IFPRI), Susan Offutt (U.S. General Accountability Office), Analissa Zezza (INEA), Mary Bohman (Economic Research Service, USDA), Chris Gerrard (CGIAR), Martin Banse (Thünen Institute)
Immediately following the workshop, a business meeting and dinner will take place to re-launch the "Global Club" of agriculture economics administrators, or Agricultural Economics Research Institutes and Agencies (AERIAS). In the 2000s AERIAS brought together experts in research and policy and provided a forum to share research priorities, management initiatives, and challenges.  The re-launch is being spearheaded by Mary Bohman, Administrator of the Economic Research Service (ERS) at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Martin Banse, Director of the Thuenen-Institute of Market Analysis in Germany; and Karen Schneider, Executive Director of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).The re-launched group now includes colleagues from across the globe, and from countries in all stages of development. The website (www.aeriasonline.org) explains the goals of the group. All leaders of public sector agricultural economics research organizations or public policy institutes are invited to join. Funding to participate in the workshop, AERIAS meeting, and ICAE conference is available for up to 5 individuals from low-income countries from the IAAE Foundation.
Speakers will include Karen Brooks (IFPRI), Susan Offutt (U.S. General Accountability Office), Analissa Zezza (INEA), Mary Bohman (Economic Research Service, USDA), Emilio Tostao (Eduardo Mondiane University), Frank Van Tongeren (OECD), Chris Gerrard (CGIAR), Davide Viaggi (University of Bologna), Handewi Purwati Saliem, (ICASEPS), Kara Beckles (Agri-Foods Canada), Krijn Poppe (LEI Wageningen), Romeo Recide (Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, Philippines), Karen Schneider (ABARES), Martin Banse (Thünen Institute). An updated full workshop agenda can be found here: http://bit.ly/1E1deOz
Agro-holdings and other types of mega-farming operations in developed and emerging economies
Frans Hermans
During the last two decades an increasing amount of large-scale farming operations have emerged all over the world. These agro-businesses go under the name of mega farms or agro-holdings: horizontally or vertically integrated operations with farm sizes of up to 500,000 hectares and sometimes even more. However these types of farms are not only found in crop farming, but also in animal husbandry.
Although some information on agro-holdings and other forms of mega-farming operations is available, a systematic analysis of their prevalence, economic performance as well as their social and environmental implications in an international perspective is missing. The purpose of this pre-conference workshop is to bring together a number of experts working on the different aspects of agro-holdings in various parts of the world to exchange their insights into the driving forces behind the proliferation of agro-holdings, their operations and effects.
Pre-ICAE event on “Global food security challenges” - August 7-8 
Pierluigi Londero
Global food security, the overarching theme of the EXPO Milan 2015, remains high on the policy agenda. Still there is a growing difficulty for scientists and policy makers to keep up with the expanding volume of information about the challenge of meeting human food and nutritional needs while preserving natural resources.
This 2-day pre-ICAE event (August 7-8) organized by the European Commission with the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) and the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) at the margins of the EXPO Milan 2015, will gather more than 30 high level speakers from academia, major international organizations and governments to provide a closer look at the various dimensions of food security. Recent food security scenario analysis will set the scene and help identify the main drivers that will impact food security in coming decades, in particular the role of productivity, technological breakthroughs, policies and other factors also beyond market fundamentals.



ICAE 2015 Conference

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August 9 -14, 2015
ICAE Conference, Milan, Italy


Pre-ICAE event on

7-8 August, 2015
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